Exposé Gallery

This is my easel with the easel butler set up at a good working height for me. I liked it at the side. This is in Udaipur, India with Grahame Booth, a Northern Irish watercolour artist as the tutor . He is in the pic with his own set up.
I found the Butler great - quick to set up and dismantle and and excellent to work with.
Regards, Alistair Duffield, Singapore 2017
Pablo, from Spain ordered a special Max, narrower and thinner than normal...kind of Max after a diet. Being well over 6 feet tall, Pablo needed something that would hold his palette up high enough on his easel to accommodate his stature.
Using readily accessible items he then progressed to this Ikea tray that he says fits his needs well…so far. Something tells me that he is not finished finding new and exciting uses for Max just yet. |
John, from way down under in Australia has been diligently putting his creative talents to work adapting Max to fit his watercolour needs and doing a splendid job of it too. He started out with the masonite shelf secured via bungee cord for safe keeping and great for a quick painting session on the go. |
John says...'I do like the versatility of the Easel Butler and the small bag you sell for attaching to the rear leg of the tripod as a counter weight is an improvement on attaching a weight to the apex of the tripod
My pleine air set up, pre Butler, used a palette shelf but I was never happy with it as the cover didn't fit snugly and it had to be transported flat. With the Butler I can also leave my little table at home too.
One other thing - the masonite tray pix were taken using my Manffroto tripod with round legs, the Ikea tray pix with a square leg tripod. '
Guy tells us that the tray here is a photographic tray, sturdy, but light, (from Jacksons art supplies UK) secured with a bungee chord and is very stable. The easel panel board on the Manfrotto is 1/4” ply with tripod adapter glued on back (from Ken Bromley Art Supplies, UK). He also uses ‘Gator foam’ boards as panels and paper supports on these easels for watercolour and sometimes also uses a ‘Guerrilla Painter flex easel’, from the USA, which attaches to his tripods to hold his boards
This is a great product! Very pleased with this! Many thanks. I’m looking forward to trying this set up outdoors, but at the moment in the far West of Cornwall it is very wild and windy, so am painting indoors! ....Guy Ponsford |
I'm using my very lightweight Windsor Newton field easel in a Carsten class. He is using one too. Windsor Newton's are inherently unstable so I had an "AH HA!" moment and installed Max just as a stabilizer. It's a whole new use for His Lordship. ...J Have a ♥ love affair ♥ with Max? Tell the world by adding your own photo here...just email me the image along with any related text and I will be happy to pop it in. |